sorry for the long comment but I had to address these because they're all kind of silly to me.
Men Like Blonde Bombshells: The article claims this is all but universal be honest...I like redheads. So that's disproved right there.
Humans are naturally polygamous: Well...duh. If this is so politically incorrect why did I learn it in my 8th grade science class?
Most women benefit from polygymy: The example they give as "proof" is women can share wealthy men in polygamous societies. That only works if women value wealth overall. I can show you thousands of studies where a poor man got the girl by being more attentive than a rich man. So this is bunk,
Most suicide bombers are Muslim: Well again...duh. The sheer number of muslims combined with their religion being in a struggle between fundamentalism and progressivism pretty much guarantees that. But that probably wasn't the case 2,000 years ago and it probably won't be the case 2,000 years from now.
Having sons reduces the likelihood of divorce: Maybe. But it seems like a pretty complicated thought process to be an instinct. Most men I know don't consider how they're going to pass on wealth to their son when getting divorced.
Beautiful people have more daughters: Completely unproven hypothesis.
What Gates and McCarthy have in common with criminals: Stupid. Yes, young people take more risks and people who take more risks produce more. That's common in all humans.
It's natural for politicians to risk everything for an affair: Politicians are risk takers. Duh. They're in a job where they have to win over millions of people every few years or lose their job.
Men sexually harass women because they are not sexist: Their theory is that men treat women aggressively just like they do men so they aren't sexist. But not being sexist means realizing women are different than men and treating them accordingly so their theory is nothing more than a word game.
Men sexually harass women because they are not sexist: Their theory is that men treat women aggressively just like they do men so they aren't sexist. But not being sexist means realizing women are different than men and treating them accordingly so their theory is nothing more than a word game.
You have got a number of bizarre arguments in this post, but they're all arguable (kindof) except this one.
Sexism is exactly thinking that somebody is different simply because they are a specific sex. The goal of "political correctness", as idiotic as it seems, is to have everybody treated as if they were carbon copies of one another.
Not being a sexist would mean not acknowledging the differences between the sexes.
> Men Like Blonde Bombshells: The article claims this is all but universal be honest...I like redheads. So that's disproved right there.
It can be statistically universal without being true of every instance.
For example, if you ask 100k Americans their favorite color, you'll find that more people say "blue" than any other color. I don't know if the same is true wrt blonds in almost every culture, but ....
> Having sons reduces the likelihood of divorce: Maybe. But it seems like a pretty complicated thought process to be an instinct. Most men I know don't consider how they're going to pass on wealth to their son when getting divorced.
It doesn't have to be a "thought process". It merely has to affect the odds of genes being passed on. If male children of separated parents have lower odds of passing on their genes than female children of separated parents and children of unseparated parents, a mutation that encourages parents of male children to stay together will be favored.
Men Like Blonde Bombshells: The article claims this is all but universal be honest...I like redheads. So that's disproved right there.
Humans are naturally polygamous: Well...duh. If this is so politically incorrect why did I learn it in my 8th grade science class?
Most women benefit from polygymy: The example they give as "proof" is women can share wealthy men in polygamous societies. That only works if women value wealth overall. I can show you thousands of studies where a poor man got the girl by being more attentive than a rich man. So this is bunk,
Most suicide bombers are Muslim: Well again...duh. The sheer number of muslims combined with their religion being in a struggle between fundamentalism and progressivism pretty much guarantees that. But that probably wasn't the case 2,000 years ago and it probably won't be the case 2,000 years from now.
Having sons reduces the likelihood of divorce: Maybe. But it seems like a pretty complicated thought process to be an instinct. Most men I know don't consider how they're going to pass on wealth to their son when getting divorced.
Beautiful people have more daughters: Completely unproven hypothesis.
What Gates and McCarthy have in common with criminals: Stupid. Yes, young people take more risks and people who take more risks produce more. That's common in all humans.
It's natural for politicians to risk everything for an affair: Politicians are risk takers. Duh. They're in a job where they have to win over millions of people every few years or lose their job.
Men sexually harass women because they are not sexist: Their theory is that men treat women aggressively just like they do men so they aren't sexist. But not being sexist means realizing women are different than men and treating them accordingly so their theory is nothing more than a word game.