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This really isn't up to some subjective opinion either. Swing doesn't have a native look & feel on any platform: it's awful no matter what OS you're using.

Most authors of niche or custom software either don't care about native look and feel (making application with modules written in C with Motif, Qt, MFC, Tcl/Tk, Java and two or so custom languages look seamless is colossal waste of time and that kind of construction seems to be common for most niche things I've seen) or actively make their applications look non-native (Even Microsoft's ERP solutions have decidedly non-native feel to them).

Adding to that, Swing is just almost always annoyingly slow and unresponsive in my experience.

IntelliJ is one of the only exceptions that come to mind. But, I would _LOVE_ if intelliJ used Qt instead of Java/Swing ...

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