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Qt is very very good at being non-OS-specific. Qt is also a lot more than a GUI toolkit. Until something major changes, me, my colleagues, and my company made the decision to just use Qt. You can do CLI and very very good cross-platform GUIs. Qt is underappreciated.

Qt 5.2 also adds Windows, Mac, and Android extras (platform-specific things for a native feel) [1]. For example, on Windows you can set the task bar progress, and on OS X you can use some native components, such as the toolbar. The OS X documentation is poor, but there is a GitHub repo/mirror for it [2]

[1] http://blog.qt.digia.com/blog/2013/09/30/qt-5-2-alpha-availa... [2] https://github.com/qtproject/qtmacextras

The last time I built something on Qt was some 10 years ago, but it was the only time where I really enjoyed programming in C++. Underappreciated indeed.

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