Republicans only pay lip service to those ideals, once in office they're far bigger and more irresponsible spenders than democrats. Democrats reduce deficits, republicans increase them, that's the reality.
I would question the downvote, considering my post is just a link I grabbed from the first google search on 'deficit spending by year', but then I realized that cognitive dissonance is a harsh mistress. I won't judge if you lash out with your mouse. Aaand I just broke my own rule about replying to downvotes...
No, my reality is factual and your link supports what I said, it shows Bush ballooning the deficit and Obama reducing it. You'll find the same thing with the previous Bush and Regan ballooning the deficit while Clinton reduced it.
Hah, this is a laughable claim. The final year of the Bush administration (partially shared by Obama, fiscally) being higher and Democrats 'reducing it' is a word game. So are you saying if Democrats give themselves a 1 trillion deficit (via their own policies) and then reduce it by half, this is somehow better than Republicans giving themselves a 500 billion deficit and reducing it by 10 percent?
Bush reduced the deficit over several years too, did you ignore that? Gods, you partisans are hilarious.
Your bias is showing. I didn't down vote you, as I replied to you I'm not even allowed to down vote you. And to then presume I did it because I'm liberal, you're clearly not the type for a rational discussion.
It's pretty typical of how humans argue. This doesn't make it a good idea, but painting your opponents with it is a cheap shot. You can find plenty of examples of this on every side of any issue.