That website was so obnoxiously ignorant I at first thought it was a parody, but if so, it is profoundly unfunny.
It embeds a video called Why is money being spent on contraception when people are starving?. It features a chubby man on a couch (username SPUCProLife) sincerely arguing that very point, seemingly unaware of the irony anyone with an IQ over 70 could readily perceive. With his bad hair, misaligned glasses and tragic fashion sense, he reminds me of Dwight from The Office, except rather less amusing as he draws straight-faced comparisons between contraception and the nazi Eugenics program.
As Obi-wan would say, michas, you should go home and rethink your life. This trash - for idiots, by idiots - has no place here.
>>Why is money being spent on contraception when people are starving?
As some one staying in a Developing nation(India), I can absolutely attest to the fact that excess population is root of all problems. Poor people have kids when they can't afford to raise them, give them education, health care or even as simple a necessity like food. The net result is poverty, which worsens with every kid they have.
If you look at it closely, many a times its due to total ignorance about contraceptive methods.
So educating the poor, especially in third world nations is actually a very nice way of tackling poverty. I would have great respect for people who are involved in spreading information and educating poor people about such methods.
Reading posts like yours and the article you posted make me sick. Sick because of all the bs that is in there,but it only takes a few seconds to look at other articles posted there to see that it is written by a complete nut-job, and it appeals to the same audience, which you can see after reading the comments.
Instead of ad hominem, you could have told me why the article made you sick. Now you've forced me to read it.
Edit: And I will not forgive.
For anyone else:
"Speaking with CNN, [Melinda] Gates gave her diatribe on how she justifies her position as part of the global Elite who are actively seeking to depopulate the planet by 90%; starting in the third world nations."
In order to appreciate this article, you'll have to accept that there is a global Elite with a capital 'E' actively seeking to depopulate the planet by 90% as one of many premises.