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I have jumped in to this thread, so forgive me if I have missed something, but do not understand the reference to 'Levinson'.

I am from the UK, claim no expertise in the field, but the following might help.

'Levinson' is the name of a report on the media (a very long topic in itself), which has no bearing on giving up data.

The law which covers that,I believe, is known by its abbreviation as RIPPA and,amongst other things, sets out the powers that the UK government have to ask for data from companies. In particular, I understand that it makes it an offence to refuse to provide the key to encrypted material.

"Ladar Levison" is the name of the founder/operator of Lavabit. (The misspelled "Levinson" version of his surname in various bits of this thread may well be my fault. Apologies.)

Thanks-all makes sense now.

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