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Gnumeric is better...

Than LO? I'm sure there's stuff it does faster. Does it do Excel sheets more compatibly?

Or do you mean better than Excel? If it's better than Excel at the sort of sheet I mean, that's important news for the people who run such sheets - they'd be moving to Linux yesterday.

Gnumeric is better than LO and Excel for calculations. You can use several scripting languages (you can use Python, I use a functional, dynamic, term-rewriting language called Pure), it has more statistical functions built in, and is more accurate than Excel.

Regardless, it shouldn't matter what OS. Gnumeric runs on Windows, and I've had Excel running on Linux w/ Wine...

How is it as a replacement for Excel, though? By which I mean, shove in an OOXML spreadsheet with VBA in it. That is the use case that counts as a "substitute" for Excel for the users I'm talking about.

I personally think it's ridiculous that those are the terms people think in. If it's not exactly the same it's not as good, never mind the actual merits.

Thankfully the world is changing, MS products are no longer as essential as they once were. Excel really is the last holdout...

I think it is too, but you get financials to change then we'll be talking.

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