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If you really believed that kind of fear were justified, why would you post a comment like this? It seems a lot more like you are just making up excuses to support your already-formed decision to not donate.

I really do believe this kind of fear is justified.

I posted this comment because:

1) I believe my analysis is sound

2) As I have posted previously, I am a US citizen and therefore cannot be denied entry to the US

I have already donated, and though my speech (through both keyboard and wallet) might bring additional attention from the alphabet-soup agencies, I believe it's important to speak up rather than give in to fear.

> I am a US citizen and therefore cannot be denied entry to the US

That's what the no-fly list is for.

There have been some court cases where they have ruled that forbidding a US citizen to fly on his return trip to the US is stranding/abandonment[0], but... even then, it took a while to get those rulings, and things were pretty messy for the person in the meantime.

[0] I'm blanking on the legal term but there is a specific term for this.

Yeah. Boats.

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