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If such donations really cause problems at borders, then it will be a sign that the place is FUBAR and you (and everyone else) should avoid traveling there.

As posted in this same thread, David House discovered that donations to legal defense funds can indeed cause problems (even for citizens) at the US border.

I do not think the US is FUBAR: FU, certainly, but not BAR. And although I refuse to be frightened into Appelbaum-esque total exile from my own country, I do take appropriate precautions before crossing the US border (CBP take note before sending me to secondary screening next time...).

Challenge accepted.

As a non US-citizen, I have, upon entering the US in the past, almost without fail been subjected to "additional scrutiny" and questions upon entry simply because I live on a farm, which triggers an automatic customs red-flag. (I understand the concern about having been on a farm - they don't want me importing foreign weed-seeds or insect eggs via my shoes. But the customs system makes no distinction between someone flagged for such concerns versus someone flagged for more legitimately nefarious reasons.)

Since things got more draconian it has become one of my very, very few non-negotiable conditions of contract that I do not travel to or through the USA or any of its territories. It's just not worth the hassle.

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