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They do have a history of that, but AppEngine has a huge footprint right now, and Google is only expanding it's cloud platform with Compute Engine, redoing UI, etc. They're clearly investing a lot here, I don't think they'll close this as easily as Google Checkout or others

I thought Google Reader was too big to be shut down too. It had a small % of all users but a large % of power users.

Free services are not guarnateed to remain open. Paid services can continue to live for a long time until market share shrinks so low. GAE can't. It has a deep root in the market.

I supposed, but would you risk your business by locking yourself in to their platform?

Peter Magnusson from the App Engine team recently wrote about the lock-in argument: http://venturebeat.com/2013/07/25/google-app-engine-lock-in-...

I recently discovered this project as a replacement if you're using Java on App Engine:


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