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If the connection was using a forward-secret key exchange (like DHE or ECDHE), then no. Unfortunately it's common not to and browsers don't do anything to warn people that they're using a low-security mode.

FWIW, just now I went looking for a firefox plugin that reports (in a human-friendly way) whether or not the SSL connection for a page is using perfect forward secrecy (PFS).

I found "Calomel SSL Validation," which I am about to install. The PFS reporting only works with Firefox 25 and up.


Thanks for finding this. Calomel's website [1] gives much more information about how the scoring is done as well as security in general; very interesting.

[1] https://calomel.org/firefox_ssl_validation.html

Also the Netcraft Extension gives you this information: http://news.netcraft.com/archives/2013/09/06/perfect-forward...

Sadly it comes with an awful toolbar.

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