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It would be interesting to see it be re-instated at the behest of the FBI.

They'd have to go after GoDaddy to do that:

  $ curl http://crl.godaddy.com/gds1-64.crl | 
  > openssl crl -text -noout -inform DER | 
  > grep -A 6 2771FD5D73A8BB
    Serial Number: 2771FD5D73A8BB
        Revocation Date: Oct  3 22:57:44 2013 GMT
        CRL entry extensions:
            X509v3 CRL Reason Code:
                Key Compromise
            Invalidity Date:
                Feb 16 07:00:00 2012 GMT

It would be pointless, everyone knows by now that it is burned.

Perhaps there is some automated robot that uses it that doesn't follow the news headlines.

Hopefully if such a robot really cares about security, it is checking for revoked certificates. Although this is admittedly a pain to set up.

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