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1) Will be improved in next release, was a platform specific issue, apparently.

2) You can do this already. It works just about the same as chrome dev tools, create a new rule to add a new css rule, etc.

3) I would like this too.

- as far as #2 goes, I have to open up the style editor tab (then i find myself switching back and forth, is it possible to add rules in "rules" panel inside the "inspector" tab to avoid the switching? Also, in my build (maybe a week old or so), When I right-click a node in the inspector I only have copy html options and delete node, no edit html - does a more recent release have this - that would be awesome.

yeah, from the HTML tab you can just right click the style on the right hand side of the window and click New Rule. It'll assume that you're attempting to write a new rule for the type of element you currently selected, but just tab to that box and you can change it.

Note, when I say style here, I mean style on the HTML tab, not the style tab itself.

re: #2

You can edit all of the individual components of a tag (attributes, the tag itself, add new attributes, etc.), but you can't edit/select the entire tag or child tags at once as you can in Firebug.

This can be really powerful, because when you can edit an entire tag including the open/close brackets, you can type in whole new tags or paste in a blob of new HTML.

This bug was the closest I could find: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=777009

Here is the bug for the "Edit as HTML" feature: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=895561.

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