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Hi, post author here.

> Also, is there a reason not to use large pages directly for the mmap'd sets if you know you're going to have them hot at all times? (I assume they read the entire file on start?)

We could use large pages directly. But, as I mentioned in the article, the performance gains would be negligible compared to the gains that come from having things in memory in the first place. These are not very large memory systems and the page table / TLB miss overhead doesn't seem to be biting us. We are just following the mantra 'pre-mature optimization is the root of all evil' :)

In my experience, most people don't know they have TLB problems because, effectively, it's always bad.

It's only when you start getting to the metal to see what your hardware is actually capable of that the TLB stands out as a glaring source of inefficiency.

Put another way: yeah, the TLB is making your app slow, but it's doing so always, so you don't notice. Instead, you mistakenly think your hardware is just slower than it really is.

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