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I have an rMBP and a Pixel. I actually prefer the Pixel most of the time - it's smaller and lighter while still packing a high-density display, has a fantastic build quality, and is just zippy. The built-in LTE radio is handy for when I'm out and about, too. The sleep/wake times are incredible (it's generally woken up before I've fully opened the lid), so it's trivially easy to just flip the lid closed, go somewhere, flip it open, and keep doing what I'm doing.

ChromeOS is perfectly functional for so many use cases (though not all of them). I do all my development on a Linux machine on my home network through SSH anyhow, so I can work at my Windows desktop, or pick up the Macbook or Chromebook and continue working easily. It actually outperforms the Macbook in regards to video (I can't watch fullscreen on the rMBP without it going all laggy).

I still go for the Macbook sometimes, but if I just need a portable terminal and browser, the Chromebook is perfect.

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