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The Pixel's got 64 GB available, and afaik, crouton's pretty easy to install: http://lifehacker.com/how-to-install-linux-on-a-chromebook-a...

Note: not that I'm suggesting you get one, I'm just adding what I know. I've been tempted by the screen: the LTE version with a DigitalOcean SSD-based VM to do all the painful work (and completely disposable, my favorite part), combined with that screen for text editing, makes a lovely combination.

But, I just run Arch on a thinkpad. I still get a little kick when I boot a machine the first time I get it, try out the hardware to make sure it all works, get annoyed with windows being utterly awful, and then get to wipe it over. I might dd it with all zeroes first, depending on how annoying it was :-)

I find the 32GB Pixel more than adequate, but admittedly I am probably weird that way. The last time my primary computer happened to have 32GB was only 2007 and I've never really grown out of those usage patterns.

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