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> Maybe the protagonist, too, has something better or more fun to do with her life.

I think the article would have had more impact if that was the reason she gave for her weight, rather than citing her medical issues. Instead, citing her medical issues seems to say that she is interested in losing weight, but sees those as insurmountable obstacles, and I was questioning their insurmountability. Apparently encouraging people to overcome difficult obstacles is considered offensive.

I debated about including the quote from your content. It was not obviously offensive, unlike some others. It did assume that she was interested in losing weight, as you say above, which may or may not be true. Why do we give excuses, after all? Because we don't really want to do stuff :)

It's true that I'm happier now that I can usually just say I don't care or would rather do something else instead of making excuses. It's also true that a fat person saying they don't really care about losing weight is looked at like a two-headed guinea pig.

I think there are two ways to deal with being overweight (or being really skinny as I was growing up, which can be very detrimental socially for a guy), and that is either to accept your weight and love yourself as you are or do something about it and lose the weight (or in my case, build muscle). What I hate to hear is people making excuses for not choosing either one of those solutions. As soon as someone else who has the same afflictions you do conquers their weight issues, your excuses are rendered moot. Either learn to love yourself at your current weight or get to work.

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