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While I appreciate your response, I would love to see some actual data to back up your conclusions.

Top of Amazon doesn't really mean much.


Here's some analysis based on browsing data usage which shows sales were worse than Windows RT.


If Chromebooks sales are good , why don't they release real official numbers?

True, but that Chromebook has been at or near the top since it was released almost a year ago.

Also Acer has already said 10% of their shipments are Chromebooks.

> If Chromebooks sales are good , why don't they release real official numbers?

Who is "they"? Chromebooks are released by several manufacturers, some of which have released numbers.

And if Chromebook sales are bad why do more of them keep coming out, with more manufacturers joining in?

I don't see manufacturers jumping on board the Windows RT train, do you?

Well google doesnt hesitate to brag with worldwide Android Activations and marketshare so why should it be different for ChromeOS?

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