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isn't that an implementation issue? your example doesn't work indeed in the StackEdit link, but

1. Item one

1. Item two

   1. Subitem a

   1. Subitem b
does work, so that let me think that you just need to improve the parser to consider "a b c" as a valid ordered list, and maybe "i ii iii" at the same time?

(I replaced a, b and 2 by 1 to force the automatic numbering)

Yes, that would be nice if it parsed correctly. I need ordered lists that have capital letters, capital roman numerals, lowercase letters, numbers, and lowercase roman numerals.

In all legal documents we work with, "legal numbering" is like Here's CSS for that:


For your Digits, Roman Numerals, and Alpha numbering (mixed symbols), here's CSS for that:


Use Markdown to make your list's HTML, use CSS to style it.

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