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I have a chromebook at home and it has replaced my "serious" laptop almost entirely. Everything I do at home other than games can be done on the chromebook and it's so light and fast to boot I don't bother even opening a browser on my big laptop. Everything done in the browser gets done on my chromebook and only when I want to play games / use windows-only software do I boot up my other laptop.

Same here and I even do games on it :) I have the $249 Samsung; great machine.

I'd suppose you have the $1000+ chromebook, not the sub $300 ;-)

I have the first gen samsung chromebook, that was priced at I think around ~350$. It's getting old and slow, but I still prefer it to my i7 laptop. It's all flimsy plastic and the power jack is starting to give up, but I'm going to use it till it gives its last breath.

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