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Reminder: by living The Google Lifestyle of Google Docs, Google Mail, Google Search History, Google Bookmarks, Google Social Network, Google Driving History, Google Location Tracking, Google Thought Interface, you allow all that to be nicely indexed for quick handoff to third parties (improperly motivated employees, NSLs, etc) without your consent.

I'm pretty sure if you say "google" and "freedom" in front of RMS you'll get your head chopped off.

Dude, I'd fear much more Google controlling the OS market than Apple or Microsoft, even though I am not found of them, far from it.

Do you really think you're going to get freedom from Google?

The fact that people have this perception makes me sad.

Is more dangerous the perception of freedom than the understanding of limits.

The best dictators spread the freedom mantra and the more gullible believe it.

And Chrome OS represents freedom now?

The freedom to not choose between a multitude of operating systems?

Freedom from choice?

Yeah , freedom to get "locked in the trunk" some might say.

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