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Wow, it uses a micro USB charger.

That is awesome (though may make charging slow). I hate carrying multiple different chargers around.

I have a ThinkPad Tablet 2 that charges over microUSB and it's very slow. 6 hours from the USB vs 2 hours from the charger on the docking station.

You're assuming someone has micro-USB devices and a charger already. If you have an iPhone/iPad you might not.

If Apple ever comes out with a MacBook Air powered by ARM they better use the Lightning connector.

I think it's one of the best selling point for that Chromebook so far! It's so annoying to have to carry an extra power supply for a tiny portable laptop like the previous generation Chromebooks.

Killer feature for travel. Not only is this thing extremely light (lighter than the small air and zenbook), but you can save weight and space with a small usb charger and cable. Even if it is slower, that is a decent trade-off. I wonder if you can charge devices from the USB ports.

With that and the fanless design, IPS display, etc. This is looking pretty good. If could run a "real" linux distro without the hacks, it would be awesome.

EDIT: Although it has very few ports (no ethernet, HDMI) and a glossy screen, so that sucks

Yeah that looks awesome - just get a folding plug and then no more bulky chargers! https://www.themu.co.uk


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