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Off topic, but if you're in pre-release, how do you have enough metrics to say "most developers" pick the Coffee Shop plan or is it just marketing fluff?

I really like the color scheme and if I wasn't in a "boring" contract I'd be looking directly into your services.

Combination of marketing fluff and early feedback. It's by no means scientific. Just anecdotal "yeah, I'd pick the middle plan," or "the mid-level price seems right." Something I plan to update as I get more data, but felt like a good starting point (also the plan I have myself on).

What kind of work are you doing?

Thanks for the response! I was kind of wondering if you'd had a lot of pre-release devs or not, I'm always curious at what point people release.

I'm on what I'll call a floater business operations contract. It's an ongoing thing at 40 hours a week (at a great company) working on several different projects and providing assistance where needed. As far as stack, it's mainly a Microsoft establishment with other things sprinkled in (and getting more so with newer projects).

Best of luck!

Sounds like a nice gig to move around/learn a lot of different stuff. Also nice that it's for a solid 40 hours a week. Must take the edge off :)

What sort of work do you do with the Microsoft stuff? Is it like .net work or do you do more OS level programming?

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