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I don't know about that. The Dick Wolves debacle was the Penny Arcade guys reacting to those who hate rape jokes and not only continuing the joke, but making things hostile for those who spoke out against this sort of behaviour.

Both stories are about someone or some people who are marginalised by a larger group. I think it's very relevant.

The problem is people who equate rape jokes (which are ok, if tasteless) and rape culture (which is not okay, and must be stopped).

The dickwolves thing was well done specifically because it was a joke (not a rape joke, even) that happened to use the word rape that caused a massive freakout among those who don't understand the actual problem and instead wish to attack the symptoms.

Rape jokes are not a positive identifier for those who perpetuate rape culture.

> making things hostile for those who spoke out against this sort of behaviour.

Maybe that kind of knee-jerk reaction deserves a little hostility? I mean, I get that PA crossed the line and got carried away, but I can't really be offended by somebody mocking the social justice blogosphere. Because, quite frankly, they're jerks. They're generally right, but they're jerks.

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