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I don't agree that the joke and hatred go hand in hand. I'm not fat (which perhaps somehow disqualifies me from having an opinion), but it doesn't come for free. This is the case for majority of non-fat people. Most people understand that although there are exceptions (e.g. the OP), being fat is a result of circumstances that you or your parents have control over. In the majority of cases, it's very different from racism, sexism, transphobia and homophobia.

Now, you are right that this doesn't mean fat people deserve to be ridiculed. Neither do smokers. But I'll happily jest with my friend's smoking, because I care and it would do her good to stop it. Poking fun at such things is a good motivator (I've been at the receiving end of this), you just have to be careful to use it only when you know it won't hurt the person's self esteem. That's why I think it is ok when you know the person well.

> The amount of shit fat people get from close friends about being fat is just as bad as a society from a whole

If you get shit from actual close friends, perhaps you should explain to them that's how you feel about it. Perhaps they are unaware. Seems more of a communication issue.

> People are fully aware of what they post.

No, they are not. I reiterate my analogy of a toddler with a gun.

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