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This is one of the more insidiously cruel comments I've seen here.

Never mind PCOS, hypothyroidism is a condition that can suck you of your energy, lower your metabolic rate, put you into depression, and much more, all contributing to weight gain. Point is, it can be a vicious cycle that feeds itself.

But who gives a damn? Who am I to start judging the accuracy or severity of her diagnoses? What if she made it all up? It doesn't matter a damn bit, to me or to you. But at the end of the day, we have no reason to believe she's lying.

Wording your comment in a more civilized manner does not make it that much less childish than the "yeah, nice excuse, fatty, now go run" that we expect from reddit.

Well, I'll try to be more uncivilized next time. I am not accusing her of lying. I take what she says at face value, but I challenge the claim that these conditions make it impossible to lose weight. If she wants to be at the weight she's at, then my advice can be safely ignored. If she is, however, interested in losing weight, then she should do her best to overcome these conditions instead of using them as an excuse to give up.

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