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You are aware that a disease such as the one listed can affect body weight and some people genuinely cannot lose it? The same way that some anorexics physically can't gain weight because their body won't allow it.

If you're not trolling (which it looks like you are) then you are incredibly ignorant and need to poke your head out there a bit and do some research :)

While the parent certainly didn't approach it in a polite way; they have a point in terms of the last comment at least.

A quick search online associates PCOS with increased risk of type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and blood pressure, stroke, infertility, fatty liver disease amongst other things. Hardly seems like something a doctor would assure someone was of no consequence to their overall health.

So while saying 'you should work harder' isn't nice; the post shouldn't be disregarded.

> Hardly seems like something a doctor would assure someone was of no consequence to their overall health.

The article doesn't say the doctor did. Reread it again, it says:

I don’t generally view my body size as positive or negative — it simply is. I eat right (most of the time) and I exercise (an inordinate amount), but it does little, thanks to a struggle with polycystic ovarian syndrome and a failing thyroid gland. I’m strong, I’m flexible and my doctor assures me my health is good, but the fact remains: I’m larger than someone my height should be.

Sounds to me like she already knows, is getting on with her life, and is making good, healthy choices.

I'm not at all familiar with polycystic ovarian syndrome the author is unfortunate to be burdened with, but I've lost a lot of weight on a keto diet and it looks like it might also be effective for this syndrome as well:



Then you are ignorant.

> If you are somehow at a disadvantage, you should work harder

Honest question: why? She mentions her medical issues and, on top of that, appears to be content with the way she looks. Isn't that enough?

I know people in sizes and shapes different from my own who seem to be fine with the way they are. I might not agree with all of them, but in the end they must decide for themselves.

On a related note: telling people they're lying ("my doctor assures me my health is good" — "NO HE DOESN'T" (paraphrased)) doesn't help your point.

It must be nice to know everything about a persons health and life so easily.

I bet it makes you feel really good about yourself.

Could you post your qualifications for that judgement? She has mentioned her doctor's explanation, so that sounds good enough for me. But perhaps you know something we don't?

The poster probably dogmatically "knows" that fat people are lazy and bad.

Ah, yes, the age-old "if you're fat it's because you're stupid and lazy".

So don't trust your doctor but some random stranger on the internet.

The internet is never wrong.

> If you're overweight, you are either not eating right, or not exercising right, and most likely neither.

So everyones bodies are totally equal, and genetics and illnesses don't come in to play at all? Right...

Go ahead and have this conversation with her.

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