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Nice!! A request: Can you add Pink Noise?: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pink_noise One (of various youtube examples) here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXtimhT-ff4

Pink noise can be found under White Noise (because all myNoise noise generators are spectrally-tunable, there is no reason to have different color noise generators: the white noise generator can be shaped to any imaginable color, and a pink noise preset is already provided for you).

This is really great. I listen to sounds like this alot as I find they help me focus. I've used environmental recordings of rain, storms, and ocean waves for years (decades, actually) and I usually loop them in Banshee while I work. I've seen a few of these noise generators in the past but never really came back to them because they weren't superior to my recordings.

Your generator, however, is exceptional.

One request: when we make a selection, say a preset, would it be possible to have an indicator that shows what we had set? I find myself selecting something, then working a while, then coming back and being a bit forgetful!

Your request has been implemented...

Go to White Noise and pick Pink Noise as a preset.

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