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Very slick. Nice touch adding the delay between scrolling and moving the other page. Your logo looks like StackOverflow's, is there a relationship between the two? Otherwise I'd consider changing it.

Also, the save/download buttons (the first thing I look for in an app like this) are hidden behind a sliding panel. Move them front and center!

I had the same question too. The footnote #1 states that >"StackEdit is a free, open-source Markdown editor based on PageDown, the Markdown library used by Stack Overflow and the other Stack Exchange sites."

Based on the same library that another website uses doesn't warrant the use of a similar logo though. It was confusing to the point of "Oh look, a StackOverflow button, I wonder if it posts to StackOverflow"

Oh that delay is a feature. Its bloody annoying. I closed the site because its so frustrating. Markdown Pad 2 kills this.

I'm glad you asked, I was thinking the same thing. Nice work though, you get a bookmark on my computer!


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