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I could see Adobe and Microsoft sicking their army of lawyers on this site. I also see it is US domain/hosted which could be yoinked regardless of German law.

I would recommend a more bulletproof domain, and hosting in Germany or with PRQ in Sweden, who has lawyers to defend DRM claims. A good German host is BS web run by Henning Brauer an OpenBSD developer. http://www.bsws.de/en/

Also I think you're right this might fall under import/export laws

My .com domain actually redirects to a .co.uk for the very reason that you mention :) And I made sure to host the site on servers in the UK as well!

Adobe has moved to a subscription based model, which makes the UsedSoft v Oracle ruling irrelevant. Microsoft may actually let you resell your used software, many companies do. In fact Adobe actually used to let you resell your used software so long as you didn't keep a copy of it.

The main companies that don't let you resell your used software are Valve (Steam), Apple (App Store), Google (Google Play) and Autodesk. I think that all of these companies are violating the UsedSoft v Oracle ruling by not allowing EU users to resell their apps, games and software, which is why I started halfpricedigital.com

Anything that undermines the awful Steam model gets my vote.

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