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Why is this on frontpage? This website is so poorly designed and (probably) generates so little revenue that couldn't seriously be considered as a study case for Bitcoin substituting bank accounts for business.

Hey atmosx, the site is an MVP, but yes I agree the design needs work. The site itself and its revenue is irrelevant to the issue at hand. Any US citizen (or non-EU citizen) who wants to form a company in Europe is going to run into the same banking problems I ran into. Bitcoin can provide some relief for this issue.

Sorry, for any sort of discomfort caused. I am not a hater, I just don't see how this is a model for anything of sorts.

Bitcoin has very specific flaws compared to country-backed currencies. More specifically:

* Doesn't devalue - which means that it's inherently BAD for transactions.

* You can't readily cash out: How are you going to make your BTC dollars? Even MTGOX has very low hard-limits.

* What about taxes and sales? Okay in Germany BTC is somewhat regulated. But what happens to other countries?

The 3rd issue, is non-existent if your turn-over is from small to non-existent but it's a huge deal if your turn-over becomes more than 15k per year.

Not to mention that a currency that fluctuates that much is semi-suicidal for any long-term business.

Apart from all the above, I wish you all the best in the world mate. Seriously, nothing personal.

haters gon hate :)

nice response

But seriously... selling "used" software?

Used. Software.

That's like selling used poems, or used voicemail greetings.

  Hey guys! This particular hard copy of Ezekiel 25:17 
  from the bible is almost new! It's only been seen by human 
  eyes three times! Verified as authentic via flatbed 
  scanner and then CRC32 checksumming it's OCR results! 
  Hardly any wear and tear! $150 and it's yours!
I know, how about we start selling used radio waves, and used alternating current polarity cycles. (your choice of sine or triangle waves)

Used software (in the form of original floppy disks or optical media) used to be a common sight at independent computer stores. Even now, used games (usually optical media for consoles) are widely available for a fraction of the original price.

The part that's odd is that, as with any digital media, it's trivial to make copies. Traditionally, things have only been property if it's possible to possess them and keep them from others. In an industrial society with a powerful government, that's true of things like the right to print books containing a given text, but it isn't true of publicly-distributed digital media.

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