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There was this guy: http://www.techweekeurope.co.uk/news/programmer-sentenced-to...

* He built some software to upload images to a web site.

* A porn site then used it without his knowledge.

* He was sentenced to death.

* in Iran.

Miss a detail, change the story.

More like change the goalposts. The example meets your criteria.

GP is trying to make decisions, or help others make them. Granted, they should have specified the US or something, but don't act like an incident in Iran should be relevant to their own risk assessment, or to anyone else not living in Iran.

Is your point that all of us live in the United States?

I think his point is that most of us do not live in a religious autocracy.

You shouldn't put it that way or you're going to make people restate the original question...

Protip: Don't live in Iran. /s

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