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Perhaps not, but PHP certainly makes it unusually easy.

I know this is a popular idea, but it's pretty easy to write terrible code in any language. See: most code.

Yes, but, in most langauges, this doesn't work

    $a = 0;
    $b = 'x';
    var_dump(FALSE == $a);
    var_dump($a == $b);
    var_dump($b == TRUE);
This results in


We might as well mention JavaScript's hangups with using == instead of === if we're going to drag out PHP's.


Seriously? (string) x fuzzy equals to (int) 0? Holy crap that is some cancer.

I've no certainty here, but I strongly suspect that it's a Perlism that PHP partially took.

In Perl, $a == $b would be true -- just like in PHP. However, in Perl, you use string comparison ($a eq $b) when you want to compare strings. PHP doesn't seem to have string comparison outside of ==.

"PHP: It's worse than ColdFusion."

That's just... that's just cruel.

As a CFML developer who has had to bear the brunt of gleeful derision, you won't get an apology from me. :-)

Modern CFML running on Railo is an awesome environment to work in: PHP-like hackability, a very consistent language spec, native JVM performance, first-class java library integration, and it's a 100% pure open source software stack.

Whereas PHP has a much slower runtime, a horrific language spec, and nothing similar to the benefit of running on a common runtime like the JVM.

Just tried it... yep.

Though I suppose you could use === but it's still crazy.

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