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Based upon what? Outside of office I don't know of any app that uses it or something similar.

How about, eh, all of Windows?

I've seen at least a bunch of non-MS apps that use the ribbon. Spoon Studio, a tool for containerizing Windows applications, is one that I used recently. There's more, but I can't come up with them.

I think it's a very powerful paradigm. Compared to LibreOffice's "toolbar overkill", it's surely a step forward. Making a large amount of operations in a simple way is always difficult, the ribbon seems a least-bad option compromise, that works quite well.

AutoCAD[1] uses a ribbon licensed from MS, and SolidWorks[2] also has somewhat similar UI bar.

[1] http://down.cd/images/apps/Autodesk-AutoCAD-2013-1241.jpg

[2] http://www.rickyjordan.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/SW2013...

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