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I love JS, but I have trouble with this idea that people are against using Node because they're afraid of JS or whatever. EGreg has mentioned some situations like millions of users or pushing data to the client, where Node makes sense. But I'm not sure what inherent value running JS on the server has.

Also, while it may be true that the backend devs don't care about the flow of pages that the user browses, the user does care. That means that the services that put together the pages need to work for the user's use case. That means that the system needs to be designed for the pages the user looks at. You can't escape this, this is bigger than your architecture. It's almost like a law of physics.

Back-end (god I hate this term) developers should be concerned with modeling the domain of the problem they are solving. That is all.

I disagree, being a good server side software developer means that you understand fully how your models and APIs will be used and what consuming developers really want from it. You enable them to easily drop your solutions into their stack. Be it an external JSON API or an internal class's API.

Every end has a front and back.

Note that I said "concerned" and not anything about the level of skill this developer has. ;)

I think in the size of applications/companies Zakas is talking about it's probably best if the various layers are like black boxes to one another.

Would it be OK if the services they build take one year to respond? They care about other things too.

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