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>"Firstly, right now in India, programming(Computer engineering) is one of the most widely adopted courses. This obviously means a lot of programmers and a lot of web shops, IT services and whatever. More the companies, more chances of you ending up finding a mediocre one."

I am agreed with this. I have seen a similar pattern in Venezuela where the IT/Programming area is perceived as a high remunerated job (Not always true actually) hence a lot of young student take that path without actually being their passion. In the end, there are more people in the area that not necessarily fit in the career and that is reflected in the quality of their work.

Yes, in a developing country, there is a tendency for people to drift more towards the fields that are considered stable and secure at that point in time. This is nothing new at all.

>"Yes, in a developing country, there is a tendency for people to drift more towards the fields that are considered stable and secure at that point in time. This is nothing new at all."

That's not the interesting thing to notice, is the fact that economics incentives alone have a negative impact in the quality of the professionals.

It is in particular very interesting given the fact that there is a group of successful personalities pushing to people to go to the computer path. Given the examples that might actually hurt the industry.

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