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Me too ... I was a lousy student (in the early '80s) and then scored well on the Comp Sci GRE in 1990. I'm wondering whether they'll see the change I recognized in myself during that span.

I'm surprised they recognize GRE scores from that long ago. Anyways, good luck and if you don't get accepted try taking a couple of graduate-level courses somewhere else, or maybe there as a non-degree student if they allow it. Doing well would show your current academic capability, which is probably more meaningful to admissions.

I'm curious about your GRE comment - I took the GRE in 2007, and did well, and thus would like to include it in my application, but ETS says GRE scores are only valid for 5 years.

But other than Coursera and employee development, those GREs are the last academic record I have. You would think my transcripts from '85 would be even less relevant with that line of reasoning, but that might be exactly what keeps me from enrolling.

FWIW, You can retake it relatively quickly.

If I knew this course was imminent, I might have but the Computer Science subject test was discontinued (see the note here: https://www.ets.org/gre/subject/about?WT.ac=grehome_gresubje...)

I don't see a note on that page. What did it say?

The GRE, yes. The CS GRE subject test, no.

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