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My personal experience in this discussion is as a freelance developer living in Canada. Being hired to clean up/review code written by a $10/hr shop in India makes up a sizeable segment of freelance work available in North America.

I saw mostly PHP written by these outsourced developers, and what I saw is mostly what you would see from any underpaid/undermotivated developer (who bills by the hour). The most illustrative habit I found was the tendency for what I call "Manual loop unrolling"; that is, writing by hand in the code something that I wouldn't expect any self-respecting programmer to fail to automate (or just use the language's built-in tools!):

    $months = array(1 => "January", 2 => "February", 3 => "March"...);
    $days = array(1 => "1", 2 => "2", ...);
The impression I get from reading accounts (disclaimer: this is where my words cease to have any authority) is that in India, "software developer" as a career is a household name; it carries at least some status and pays relatively well, and it seems to be a popular choice.

I'm not sure how long this will be true with the current "learn to code" movement, but in North America many people who are currently software developers found themselves here by accident; they discovered something cool they could do with a computer, and then discovered that people would pay them to do it.

>> The impression I get from reading accounts (disclaimer: this is where my words cease to have any authority) is that in India, "software developer" as a career is a household name; it carries at least some status and pays relatively well, and it seems to be a popular choice.

well, you are somewhat close to the reality there. Software engineering is a traditionally well paying profession. This creates a general tendency for students to opt for it. Before you know, there are too many in that profession already and things start getting messed up. We are in that messed up phase now.

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