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This makes me wish that the developer of Sublime Text would release his UI toolkit. It's completely cross platform too.

I think one of the reasons Jon manages to pull it off so well is how basic it is. He has a 100% custom sidebar (very basic), but other than that he is using native menu controls and standard dialogs. Obviously the editor pane is the big custom component.

Plus, there's not even a configuration/preferences screen. It's all text. So, no gui widgets needed.

That's a good point. I think one of the reasons Sublime works so well is because the interaction is minimal and unobtrusive. You don't realise how simple the controls are - as you said; standard dialogs etc.

Sounds like Scintilla http://www.scintilla.org/

I used Scintilla a lot when working with AutoIt [1] - it's what powers their standard IDE, SCiTE. It's okay. But not nearly as powerful as Sublime.

We've started packaging Sublime config files into the installation too now. (I say we, I'm an MVP).

[1] http://autoitscript.com

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