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According to a FastMail representative:

> We use encryption to make hard drives worthless if they are stolen or just misplaced. [1]

[1] http://www.emaildiscussions.com/showpost.php?p=561920&postco...

Anything that makes hard drives unreadable by thieves would probably also make them unreadable by any U.S. agency that seizes them. Unless of course NSA has already broken the algorithms used by the disk encryption software.

...or if they use RSA at too low of a bit depth: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6506120

Encrypted HDD won't help against cold boot attack.

I doubt that an unexpected reboot and chassis intrusion (to install a compromized bootloader, for example) will go unnoticed by FastMail staff.

That was what my comment was addressing: What will they do if that happens? Suppose a machine goes offline for a minute then comes back. Datacenter says nothing or says "we have no records of a power issue" or something to that effect. Now what? If Fastmail's software didn't wipe the key from RAM, it may be already compromised. Do they shutdown that colo facility? If so, why are they in the US in the first place?

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