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Your post illustrates a big part of the problem. There is all of this false equivalence, wherein the proposition is made that both sides are equally at fault. The media is guilty too (at least the outlets that make some attempt at coming off as balanced). They attempt to lay equal blame, even when one side is clearly nuts. When such false equivalence is made, it exonerates abhorrent, harmful behavior and gives cover to those who practice it.

And, that's what's happening here. You are posing as a thoughtful centrist, when in actuality, you are equivocating. No one could look at this objectively and conclude that it's reasonable or healthy behavior for our country. That's what gives you away, contrary to your assertion that I believe you to be "of the opposition" simply because you don't agree with me 100%.

Even more thoughtful, saner Republicans like Pete King are going on record as hating this insane gambit. It is splitting the Republican party itself right in two, and is the source of serious party infighting. So, your assertion that people are merely digging in based on their prior positions is patently false. Likewise, polling shows that something like 70% of those who oppose the ACA don't want the government shutdown over it. So ironically, it is your own willful blindness to these facts and subsequent assumption that I must simply oppose what the Tea Party is doing due to my party affiliation, that further reveals that you are as partisan as they come.

Edit: You're trying to decry partisan politics, when you're just as engaged as anyone. You want to come off as a wise sage who floats above it, when you're really right in the middle.  When you walk around assuming that everyone is engaged in partisanship vs. thoughtful politics and branding them accordingly (especially when they disagree with you), then what, exactly, does that make you?

There are valid points to be made against the ACA. I believe that on balance it is a big step in the right direction, but will certainly need to be tweaked. So, when I see sane Republicans discuss it, I respect and hear their opinions. But, this is something else. That's what many Republicans are saying in private--and some publicly--along with much of the nation.

I will be the first to agree--along with 90% of the country--that our politics are dysfunctional. I am also weary of this bipolar system that produces such entrenchment. But, the difference is that while there are extremist fringe elements on both the left and right, those on the right are now actually driving a major political party. Ignoring this very obvious fact that even Republicans acknowledge to their chagrin, does not fix our politics. In fact, it just makes you a tacit endorser of their extremist, partisan behavior and furthers the divide.

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