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A friend of mine touring through Norway decided to get a pizza and a 6 pack of beer. Ended up costing him ~$65.

Sounds about right. My ballpark estimate just now arrived at $67. It's really funny whenever someone complains that the Bay Area is so expensive; in all areas except housing it's a lot cheaper than where I live. Salaries are higher too, if you're in software. If you work on McDonalds, though, you should probably be in Norway.

Interesting... earlier this year I was going to go for a 'Chicago Style' pizza in Moscow. Would have been around $42. Decided to go to Sbarros (closer). Initially ordered one of these "everything pizzas": $50. "nyet nyet nyet" I shouted. Got a more basic cheese/pepperoni deal for a mere... $19 I think (IIRC).

I understood I was getting 'western' luxuries in an expensive city, but it really drove home the concept of "cost of living" someplace moreso than abstract calculators. :)

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