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you're mistaking Continuing Resolution (Congress giving President(Exec Branch) weekly(or whatever) allowance - current drama) for Debt Ceiling (the source of the money for the Continuing Resolutions - next show coming in a couple of weeks)

> you're mistaking Continuing Resolution (current drama) for Debt Ceiling (next show coming in a couple of weeks)

They aren't separate issues. Part of the current drama is that: 1) A sizable portion of the Republican congressional delegation is demanding separate votes on, first, a CR that would be linked to various policy demands and, second, a debt ceiling increase (to which, presumably, additional policy demands would be attached), while 2) The White House and a sizable portion of the Democratic congressional delegation are calling for a single "clean" (independent of extraneous policy changes) vote on continuing funding and a debt-ceiling increase.

well, not going to argue whether Lord of the Rings or the Dragon Tatoo Girl is a one or three separate books each.

Though "Hobbit" becoming 3-movie series would undoubtfully generate more money this way, so it seems Republicans is right on the money here :)

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