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The upgrade process is 100% painless. You run the upgrade, it reboots your PC, and then it reboots it back into your desktop. No questions asked. OS X is absolutely not designed to be wiped and reinstalled, that's your problem if you do. While I have to format my Windows computers once a year for various reasons, I've been using OS X unformatted since the day I got my first MacBook in '06. Just used the migrate utility once when upgrading to my new rMBP. If you usually wipe and reinstall, that's on you.

Homebrew's been working great for me throughout the entire Mavericks beta. The last time Mail.app corrupted my inbox was probably on Snow Leopard, everything's been good since.

"The last time Mail.app corrupted my inbox was probably on Snow Leopard, everything's been good since."

That's great for you. It hasn't been my experience. Seems like every few days I find a message here and there in my archive that's been corrupted.

I'm using Mountain Lion but my mail server is OS X Lion ... maybe that's the issue.

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