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That is encouraging, sadly not aware of anything comparable in the UK, though was unaware of this avenue you mention and with that thank you.

Sad about the investment needed for the limited return window which would be enough time to promote the benifits intime for the market to mature just outside the window of opertunity.

Does make you wonder how many good useful medications are kept back due too fiscal investment to get the various approvals. Not aware of a universal World accepted standard of drug approval, certainly would make sense cost wise for the global return. But guess there is money in running trials as well.

There is an approved form of pharmaceutical melatonin in the UK (Circadin, 2mg modified release), but it's only licensed for use in adults aged over 55.

Any doctor can prescribe it off-label if they wish, although they might be hesitant in the non-insomniac population due to the relatively high cost (>50p per 2mg dose)

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