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Of course, if they actually have a really easy time de-anonymizing users, they might "leak" a document like this to encourage people to keep using it.

Conspiracy theories are fun!

It already says they want people to keep using Tor. Read the last slide:

> Critical mass of targets use Tor. Scaring them away from Tor might be counterproductive.

In other words, they'd rather only have to break one anonymization service instead of five.

If I had a few million dollars to run compromized Tor nodes, and the ability to subpoena (and gag order) any Tor node operator in USA, UK and a couple of other major countries to give me their keys, I would be able to easily de-anonymize a large portion of the network.

It is commonly assumed that the NSA/CIA run a substantial portion of the exit nodes. Morever, they are a global adversary (one Tor is not designed to defeat).

How many times can you employ that tactic until the savvy targets move onto more secure networks?

This is probably part of the Snowden files, so it was unlikely to be an intentional leak.

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