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Small moves like that makes me proud to be on the internet at this day and age of crisis. I hope I can tell my children or grand children that I actually cared and that I made a small difference, even if it's only the smallest of all.

I hope it will stay the way it is. Probably not, seeing how the public is ignoring and/or is not caring about the issue at all.

> I hope it will stay the way it is.

...this is the Internet we're talking about. It's almost completely unrecognizable from the way it was 5 years ago.

I broadly meant that as in not controlled by any single state, entity or corporation.

I for one welcome the new holographic internet cats shared by our minds and made entirely of pastas that are shaped into code. So long as those pastas are open.

> I hope I can tell my children or grand children that I actually cared and that I made a small difference, even if it's only the smallest of all.

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