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How NOT to recruit for your startup
7 points by dfranke on March 27, 2007 | hide | past | favorite | 10 comments

The following email got spammed to everyone in my CS department this morning:

Subject: UF Student looking for Computer Science Assistance

I am in need of a programmer who can build an intricate social networking site. Without revealing too much information, I am in the process of obtaining an LLC for this venture, which should turn out to be extremely successful. Hopefully someone within your college could assist me in the formation of a website and a fee would be paid for such assistance.

Let's play "count the red flags".

I chuckled as i read this in my inbox the other day. i really hope no one falls for this

Hi, who are you and where do you hang around? I'm surprised to see another news.yc reader in my department whom I don't know.

kenny sanders. i'm just a frosh studying compsci

You mean, they're aready taking that big step of "obtaining an LLC"?! These people are serious.

"which should turn out to be extremely successful" - Sounds like the regular marketing BS. Very patronizing.

biggest red flag: social network

Well, except for "in need of a programmer", "intricate", "without revealing too much information", "in the process of", and "extremely successful". Did I miss any?


Tell me, do you guys ever get lonely up their on your pedestals?

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