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JavaScript Allongé is free (braythwayt.com)
199 points by raganwald on Oct 1, 2013 | hide | past | favorite | 51 comments

Go. Read. This. Book. Now.

This is a must-read for any developer who wants to know Javascript better. This is the book that taught me everything I know about prototypes, method decorators, and functional programming in Javascript. Sure, I'd read countless other Javascript books, but Reg has a way of explaining things in a way that connected the dots for me. This is probably the only programming book I've re-read cover to cover a dozen times or more.

I'd also strongly suggest you throw a few bucks Reg's way for the ebook (PDF, EPUB, MOBI) version of this book. I only know Reg through his writing, but he sounds like a great guy. The fact that he's releasing this gem for free is pure madness on his part.

If you couldn't yet tell, highly recommended.

I can tell you after listening to one of his talks and talking to him afterwards: Reg is indeed a great guy! It is a good thing that JavaScript lured him from the Ruby world (bad for them I suppose).

Can I quote you on this?



What if you don't know JS at all?


My name is Andre Alves Garzia and I am a Mozilla Rep (a.k.a. Volunteer) working on Firefox OS awareness. I wrote a quick guide for Firefox OS development that is also available for Free with a CC license on Leanpub at https://leanpub.com/quickguidefirefoxosdevelopment

I think your book is really great and I would like to add it as a recommended reading on the next iteration of my quick guide if that is ok with you.

Thanks very much for the hard work, your book is a wonderful resource!


It is very ok with me, I'm flattered!

Congrats Reg!

I'll be checking out the book now, but I'm wondering how many people are intrigued by the name rather than turned off by it.

As a Canadian, I should have had some exposure to Allonge, but sadly I do not, so I didn't know if this is a framework, methodology, etc. etc. Javascript Allonge is free, but that doesn't tell me what Allonge is. Javascript Allonge book is free. Ok, what is it going to teach me.

I'm happy to give it a read, and the reviews here are great, just wondering if you might have more success as an author with less cryptic titles.

Hope I don't come off sounding like an ass.

This is going right on my reading list.

And as always, it's great to see more good free technical books out there, and it's great to see a fellow HN'er succeeding. Seeing them together is just amazing.

Serious kudos!

Edit: And while this was obviously not the intent, this absolutely made me go out and buy the book. Both for the gesture of support (and the actual monetary support), but also because it's nicer to have this in .mobi format. So as often happens, karma wins.

At the end of https://leanpub.com/javascript-allonge/read#leanpub-auto-val..., it states that when you do this:

  var ouroboros = [];
  ouroboros[0] = ouroboros;
    //=> [ [Circular] ]
Examining ouroboros and ouroboros[0] with '===' will show that they are different.

But isn't that wrong? Comparing a reference of 'ouroboros' to whatever's in 'ouroboros[0]', which happens to be a reference of 'ouroboros' will return true.

Maybe I'm misinterpreting the statement?

It looks like this text is about the section slightly above:

  [2-1, 2, 2+1] === [1,2,3]
  [1,2,3] === [1, 2, 3]
  [1, 2, 3] === [1, 2, 3]

Aah, rereading it, it looks like it is. The ouroboros section is an aside about how confusing combining arrays and references can be.

Just a guess -- perhaps

    ouroborous[0] = ouroboros;
creates a new reference to ouroboros and stores that in ouroboros[0], so comparing ouroboros and ouroboros[0] with === would claim they're the same type but not the same value.

Not an expert though, so I could be wrong, but that'd explain the behavior to me.

Yes, I don’t understand what he means either.

    ouroboros[0] === ouroboros
evaluates to `true`.

Thanks for this! You are a great writer, I read Coffeescript Ristretto and it was a big help. I appreciate the rigor you bring to technical writing. I actually bought Javascript Allonge after reading Coffeescript Ristretto but it's always great to hear more good information is available for free.

Reg: Is there a way after reading the book to donate a few bucks in a tip jar? It's unlikely that I ever purchase this ebook but I would maybe like to toss a 10 spot your way for the value I will extract from this.

Donations to the EFF are always an appropriate way to thank someone for making their work free:


That being said, a more "personal" thanks can always be made by sending PayPal directly to reg@braythwayt.com. Thanks either way!

I bought the book yesterday and it's definitely worth it. I would buy it again even if I knew it was free. It's in my top JavaScript books, along with others like Maintainable JavaScript, Testable JavaScript and Effective JavaScript.

@raganwald I hope you plan to write other JS books as well, you're one of the most original && intelligent authors out there.

Thank you. Just this past weekend I came to the realization that, after using JavaScript on and off for over 10 years, I don't actually know JavaScript. Not even close. I'm sure I'm not alone. Anyway, I've just skimmed through your offering and it looks like an entertaining read. This came at a good time.

JavaScript is the one language developers think they can use without having to actually learn it. :-)

As someone who paid real money for this book, I am not sure how I feel about this...

Amongst other reasons, I chose to publish the book through LeanPub precisely so that if anyone every feels like they regret buying the book, there is an avenue for them to get a no-questions-asked refund. Check the web site for the specific terms.

You don't have to justify anything to me or anyone else: If you personally feel uncomfortable, I personally want you to get your money back. You can always change your mind and buy it again if that's what you want to do.

That is very kind of you, but my comment was slightly tongue in cheek. I usually buy books that I read and learn from, even if I can get them for free from some pirate site.

Your book is excellent and I wouldn't dream of asking for my money back.

How does other people being able to now access the book for free affect you at all? Besides, you got the ebook, it's still not free.

It's called Human Nature. You buy a TV for $1000 and show it off to your neighbour who says he bought exactly the same TV for $400, you don't think that will effect you at all?

If you just say "oh well, I thought $1000 dollars was a fair price" and think no more of it - well you are a better person than I am!

You paid for the opportunity to read it first than the rest :)

Damn, I just paid for this book 3 weeks ago!

But for those who haven't read it, it was money incredibly well spent. I have a much greater understanding of JavaScript's batshit crazy semantics and FP techniques. It will make you a better programmer, regardless of whether you use JS regularly or not. But if you do, I think this book is as close to capturing the true soul of Javascript as anything I've read. The examples are very well thought out, and the writing style is a joy to read. And if you like it as much as I did, I hope you'll kick a few bucks the author's way.

Well done Mr. Braithwaite!

Hey, at least you supported the author!

Bought the book a few weeks ago. Have not finished yet, but it's an excellent read thus far. I knew it was a must-read after hearing Reg's interview on the Javascript Jabber podcast.

You werent kiddint when you said this book would someday be offered free on the javascript jabber podcast. As someone who was waiting for this day, thanks!!!

If you were waiting for it to be free, then I can say with certainty that I did it for you.

This is great news! I haven't read the book yet, had been meaning to pick it up for some time now. Reg is such a gifted writer; he manages to make a very effective point, built up organically through relevant examples. I always feel challenged to learn something, and I really enjoy his writing style - I've begun writing, and the challenge makes me appreciate his work all the more.

Can't wait to read this!

I've started reading it this morning, and I find the first part of the book to be a clear, concise and practical introduction to the mechanics underpinning functional programming.

Love or hate or indifference for JavaScript aside, this looks like an excellent programming book. Thanks, Reg.

Brilliant book - and was a bargain at its launch price (I know I enjoyed it) - now fantastic value and everyone with any interest in JavaScript should read it.

This is awesome. I've been a happy reader for quite some time now, and I'm glad that even more people will be able to read this excellent book!

Great idea offering the online version free but charging for the convenience of an ebook file. I wish more authors would do this.

I will probably make the ebook free eventually. I have already offered free online copies of my combinators and coffeescript books, people like that.

I heard you on a podcast recently and just wanted to say that it was the best, most entertaining and inspiring podcast I've heard. Don't want to sound like a fanboy, but you're pretty awesome. Thanks for the book!

I am a regular listener of JavaScript Jabber and I must agree. Far and away the most enlightening episode they have had.

Which podcast was it? I want to listen.


I'm not sure if you'll find it as great as I did, but there it is.

I had it in my whishlist, so now it's bought :D

Thank you for "forcing" me to buy it! ;) Enjoy a nice cup of coffee

Amazing book. Just picked it up a few weeks ago.

Thanks, Reg!

A rant about Mozilla, a non-profit FSF company and then corporate sycophantism for GitHub?

Do you have a question or an opinion to share in more objective terms? I have difficulty understanding what idea you are trying to convey.

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