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Hmyeah, so Josh Hannah @jdh (A series investor in JustFab) was defending JustFab in this other thread https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=6455575 how it's totally not a scam, backed up with a screenshot, clearly showing it to be scammish.

I'd be delighted if we could hear his take on the class action lawsuit.

If anything it just shows how poisonous the Valley culture is. I'm reminded of Matt Taibbi's quote about Goldman Sach's ["a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money."] and it definitely applies to a lot of these companies. Anyone doing dark web design, anyone doing linkedin-style "growth hacking"...

Mark Pincus bragged about installing crapware/malware on his customers' computers and did "every horrible thing in the book" and the valley and tech journalism mostly laughed it off. This kind of shit is no big deal here and every day I'm more and more skeptical about whether or not these companies are actually creating value.

Edit: But really though, has anyone else noticed how sour everyone is starting to get about the current tech-boom? Everyone except founders and investors anyway.

Clearly any such class action lawsuit is just another attempt by the populace to shake down an honest and upright business.

I would hope that his lawyer got involved, for his sake, and told him to shut the hell up.

Why would you hope that? This is someone who has made money from this situation, and if it is a scam (which I strongly believe it is), I don't see a lot of value in 'well, for his sake I hope his lawyer told him to be quiet' (because God forbid he demonstrate guilt or complicity in fraud...)

It's just a phrase, jesus, ease up on the INTENSITY coffee. I don't actually hope anything. It's like saying "well one would think".

I'll give you that - in hindsight it did come across as a little leaping-down-your-throat. Duly noted!

Ah but one can hope :) There's always those people who don't listen to their lawyers.

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